Handling Your Pet's Separation Anxiety: Prevention and Calming


Handling Your Pet's Separation Anxiety: Prevention and Calming


Do your pets freak out when left home alone? Destructive behavior, housetraining accidents, and loud vocalizing are common separation anxiety symptoms in both dogs and cats. But you can help prevent and manage this stressful issue.


Let’s go over tactics for handling separation anxiety in your clingy canine or feline.


## Why Dogs Get Separation Anxiety


Dogs are naturally social, pack-oriented animals. When left suddenly alone, they often panic due to:


- 💔 Stress from isolation and abandonment


- 🕑 Disruption in routine and unpredictability


- 🚪 Fear of strange sounds or sights from outdoors


- 👻 Over-attachment and over-reliance on owners


- 👶 Trauma from rehoming, early weaning, or neglect


- 😟 Boredom and lack of exercise


Separation anxiety typically escalates over time without intervention. The destruction is not spiteful punishment - it’s panic!


## Signs of Separation Anxiety in Dogs


Common behaviors when left alone include:


- 😭 Pacing, howling, barking


- 🚽 Potty accidents


- 💥 Destructive chewing of walls, floors, doors, windows


- 🐾 Digging, scratching frantically at exits


- 😦 Depression, lethargy, loss of appetite


- 🐾 Self-harming licking, biting or chewing  at paws or skin


- 😓 Constantly following owners around and underfoot


Don’t punish these behaviors. They require compassionate management and training.


## Preventing Separation Anxiety in Dogs


Stop separation anxiety before it starts using these tactics:


- 👶 Acquire from reputable breeders or rescue at 8+ weeks for stability.


- 👨👩👧👦 Socialize thoroughly to prevent over-bonding with just you. Introduce to other friendly pets.


- 🏡 Provide enriching toys like puzzle feeders and chews to prevent boredom.


- 🏃‍♀ Ensure adequate daily exercise - tired dogs fret less.


- 📦 Crate train using treats and positive reinforcement. Den-like crates become calming.


- 🕑 Stick to consistent routines of feeding, pottying, training and exercising. 


- 👋 Practice brief absences from early on. Vary duration and don’t make departures emotional.


Raising pups to be secure and independent prevents clinginess and panic. An ounce of prevention truly helps!


## Managing Existing Dog Separation Anxiety


For anxious pups, also try:


- 🎶 Playing calming music like reggae or soft rock.


- 💤 Feeding meals early and exercising to promote sleeping, not fretting.


- 🚪 Blocking access to windows and doors to minimize escape attempts and barking triggers. 


- 👃🏼 Using calming pheromone sprays and plug-ins.


- ⏱️ Breaking up alone time into smaller increments - don't make absences drastic.


- 🥱 Providing recently worn shirts in crates so your scent remains. 


- 👀 Giving interactive puzzle toys stuffed with treats to dispel boredom.


- 💊 Talking to your vet about anti-anxiety or antidepressant medication for severe cases.


Patience, compassion and management helps dogs overcome clingy behaviors.


## Why Cats Get Separation Anxiety


Cats also suffer when routines are disrupted and preferred people disappear. Triggers include:


- 😾 Changes in feeding, play, litterbox cleaning or living environments


- 🔑 Loss of access to favorite spaces, perches or hiding spots


- 🏠 Moving homes or introducing new family members


- 😿 Adoptions, transitions from foster homes or shelters


- 💔 Death or loss of another home pet they’ve bonded closely with


Catch anxiety early before cats resort to urinating, scratching or self-harm.


## Signs of Separation Anxiety in Cats


Watch for these behaviors when people leave the home:


- 😸 Excessive vocalizing like meowing, yowling or growling


- 🚽 Inappropriate urination or defecation


- 🏃🏻‍♀ Agitation, pacing and restlessness


- 👋👋 Excessive greeting behaviors when people return


- 💔 Depression, lethargy, appetite loss, grooming neglect


- 😿 Hiding and antisocial behavior


- 👅👅 Over-grooming, licking, bald spots


- 💥 Destructive scratching of walls, furniture, floors


Again - never scold anxiety! These behaviors signify underlying stress.


## Calming Cat Separation Anxiety


Try these tactics for stressed out felines:


- 🏡 Maintain consistent routines for feeding, bathroom cleaning, play sessions.


- 🚪 Apply synthetic pheromone sprays to all doorways and cat beds.


- 🌿 Use calming nutraceuticals in food or treats.


- 🛏 Ensure favorite perches, cat trees and hiding spots are available.


- 😻 Provide puzzle feeders. Portion meals into frequent smaller servings.


- 🎶 Play calming music like classical or reggae to muffle outside noises.


- 🖼️ Give access to windows with outdoor views.


With compassion and adjustments, clingy cats gain confidence in being left periodically. Consult your vet too if anxiety persists. With work, happy homecomings can replace panicked departures for pets!

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