Keeping Your Pet Hydrated: Easy Ways to Ensure Your Furry Friend Stays Well-Hydrated


Keeping Your Pet Hydrated: Easy Ways to Ensure Your Furry Friend Stays Well-Hydrated


Our pets rely on us to provide them with all their basic necessities - food, shelter, love and care. One of the most important things we need to provide for our furry friends is fresh, clean water. Keeping your pet properly hydrated is crucial for maintaining their health and wellbeing. Dehydration can cause serious issues like kidney disease, constipation, vomiting and lethargy. As pet parents, it's our responsibility to make sure our pets are getting enough fluids every day.


In this article, we'll discuss some easy methods for keeping your dog, cat, rabbit, guinea pig or other small animal hydrated. We'll also go over some signs of dehydration to watch out for, as well as tips for making sure your pet drinks enough water each day.


## Provide Fresh, Clean Water Daily


The most basic way to keep your pet hydrated is to make sure they always have access to fresh, clean drinking water. Their water bowl should be kept filled at all times and washed thoroughly every day to prevent bacteria from growing.


* For cats and dogs, place multiple bowls around your home so there is always one within reach. Put one by their food, one by the back door and one by their favorite nap spot.

* Small pets like rabbits and guinea pigs often tip over bowls, so use a sipper bottle or heavy crockery that attaches to their cage.

* Check water levels frequently and refill as needed. Dumping out old water and refreshing it ensures it tastes good.


Pay attention to your pet's water intake and refill when levels get low. Increase water during hot temperatures or exercise. Avoid plastic bowls, which can harbor bacteria. Ceramic, stainless steel and glass are best.


## Offer Wet Food to Increase Fluid Intake


Feeding wet or canned pet food can help significantly boost your pet's water consumption. The high moisture content of wet foods provides hydration as your pet eats.


* For cats, aim for a 50/50 split between wet and dry food. Kittens especially need the extra hydration from canned foods.

* Adding a bit of water to dry kibble can make it more appealing. Some pets even enjoy ice cubes in their water!

* When introducing wet food, go slowly to avoid digestive upset. Gradually transition them over a week or two.


Wet foods have the added benefit of keeping your pet fuller longer while providing extra protein and nutrients. Just be sure to avoid grain-free diets, which have been linked to heart disease.


## Provide Flavored Broths for Picky Drinkers


Some pets, especially older ones or those with medical conditions, can become picky about drinking plain water. Offering tasty broths and flavored waters can encourage them to stay hydrated.


* Add a spoonful of low-sodium broth to their water bowl. Chicken, vegetable and bone broths are healthy options.

* Ice cubes made with diluted broth, glycerin or low-sugar juice can provide flavor as well as hydration.

* Putting a few drops of tuna juice, clam juice or other “juices” in the water bowl can entice kitties.

* You can find pet-safe water flavorings at many pet supply stores. Always follow directions carefully.


If your pet turns up their nose at plain water, experiment with flavors to find something appealing. This can stimulate their thirst when they aren't feeling well.


## Provide Access to Running Water


Pets are often attracted to moving sources of fresh water. Providing a pet fountain or outdoor access to running water can help ensure they drink enough.


* Pet fountains with constantly circulating water are very enticing to cats and dogs.

* Placing water dishes outside near garden hoses or drainage areas offers an irresistible water source.

* Taking your pet on walks near streams or lakes allows them to lap up fresh water. Just be cautious of parasites like giardia.

* Bathroom sink faucets are highly attractive to pets too. Just supervise to avoid messes.


The sound and movement of running water triggers a natural drinking instinct. Consider adding a fountain if your pet isn't drinking enough from their stationary bowl.


## Monitor Urine Volume and Color


Urine is one of the best indicators of your pet's hydration status. Be aware of changes in volume and color that could signal dehydration.


* Pale yellow to straw-colored urine is ideal. Dark yellow, orange or brownish urine indicates concentration and insufficient hydration.

* Urine volume should be abundant. Trace amounts could mean the kidneys are retaining fluids.

* Accidents around the house or strange bathroom behaviors warrant a vet visit to rule out UTIs.

* Littermates should produce roughly equal urine volumes. Inequality can signal illness in the one producing less.


Make note of urine amounts when you clean the litter box or pick up doggie messes in the yard. Dramatic changes in color and volume should prompt a call to your veterinarian.


## Watch for Signs of Dehydration


In addition to monitoring urine, be vigilant for other symptoms that indicate your pet may be dehydrated or headed that way.


* Dry gums or tacky mucus membranes when you lift their lip - it should be moist like yours.

* Sunken eyes or lethargy.

* Skin that loses elasticity and doesn't bounce back when gently pinched.

* Cracked nose leather in dogs or dry, flaky nose in cats.

* Fast panting or increased heart rate.

* Vomiting, diarrhea or constipation.


Severe dehydration can lead to organ failure, seizures, coma or even death. If you suspect your pet is dehydrated, contact your vet right away. Mild dehydration can often be treated at home by following the tips in this article.


## Offer Hydration During Travel


Trips in the car or airplane can quickly dehydrate pets. Bring along water and a portable dish for offering drinks. Stop frequently on road trips. Freezing water in a bowl helps it last longer. Harnesses allow dogs to lay down and lap up water while driving.


Consider bringing unflavored Pedialyte to help replenish electrolytes and prevent dehydration while traveling. Vets may recommend its use during bouts of vomiting or diarrhea as well. Follow labeling instructions carefully for proper dosage.


## Make Water Fun!


Adding a little bit of fun to your pet's water routine can go a long way toward keeping them hydrated.


* Drop in a few small toys that float and bob in the bowl.

* Place water dishes in new locations around your home to spark curiosity.

* Freeze broth ice cubes for dogs to much on.

* Add a water component to playtime like shells in a kiddie pool or wet toys.


Keeping water fresh and interesting prevents boredom. Hydration is one of the best gifts we can give our pets every single day. Following these easy tips will help ensure your furry friends stay properly hydrated. Be vigilant for signs of dehydration and contact your vet with any concerns. With some simple planning, we can keep our pets happy, healthy and hydrated for years to come. They depend on us for their most basic needs!

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