The Importance of Vaccines: What Shots Your Pet Needs and When


The Importance of Vaccines: What Shots Your Pet Needs and When

Vaccinating your pet protects them from dangerous, preventable diseases. Certain core vaccines are absolutely vital for any dog or cat no matter their lifestyle. Others are considered non-core and given based on specific risk factors. Work with your veterinarian to ensure your furry companion receives all recommended immunizations at the appropriate times.

Table of Contents

  • Core Vaccines for Dogs
  • Core Vaccines for Cats
  • Non-Core Vaccines
  • Vaccine Schedules
  • Discussing Needs with Your Vet

Core Vaccines for Dogs

These vaccines are required for all dogs:

  • DA2PP - Distemper, adenovirus, parainfluenza, parvovirus
  • Rabies - Required by law in most areas

Puppies need a series of DA2PP and rabies doses starting at 6-8 weeks old before boosters every 1-3 years.

Core Vaccines for Cats

All cats should receive:

  • FVRCP - Rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, panleukopenia
  • Rabies - Required by law in most areas

Kittens need FVRCP and rabies starting at 8-12 weeks with repeat doses until maturity and regular boosters for life.

Non-Core Vaccines

Additional vaccines may be advised based on risk including:

  • Leptospirosis - Bacteria spread through wildlife urine
  • Lyme - Tick-borne bacterial disease
  • Bordetella - Kennel cough
  • Feline leukemia virus (FeLV)

Discuss your pet's lifestyle and potential exposures with your vet to determine if non-core vaccines are recommended.

Vaccine Schedules

Guidelines for puppy and kitten shots:

  • Starting as early as 6-8 weeks old
  • Series of doses 2-4 weeks apart until 16-20 weeks old
  • Repeat doses at 1 year old
  • Boosters every 1-3 years for life

Annual exams allow your vet to review vaccine needs and health risks.

Discussing Needs with Your Vet

Be prepared to provide your vet with information including:

  • Age, medical history, breed
  • Current lifestyle and exposures
  • Boarding, grooming, or daycare needs
  • Travel habits
  • Previous vaccine reactions if any

Following your veterinarian's recommended schedule ensures your pet develops proper immunity.


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