Crate Training Success: Patience and Positive Reinforcement


Crate Training Success: Patience and Positive Reinforcement


Bringing home a new puppy or kitten is so exciting! But teaching them to enjoy a crate takes effort and consistency. With the right tactics, crate training sets your pet up to thrive when left alone.


This article covers crate training basics for both dogs and cats. Let’s get started!


## Why Crate Train Dogs?


Crate training provides many benefits for dogs when done positively:


- 🏠 A cozy, secure personal space or “den”


- 🚫 Discourages potty accidents and destructive chewing


- 😴 Teaches settling down for naps and bedtime


- 🚗 Safe confinement for car travel


- 🏥 A place to recover from illness or injury


- 🧳 Portable sleeping quarters for visits, trips, boarding or emergencies


Dogs innately seek den-like shelters. A crate becomes a beloved retreat when introduced with patience and care.


## Choosing Crates for Dogs


Pick a durable crate sized for adult weight and height. Measure your dog when in natural resting postures.


- 🐕 Small crates are best for puppies to prevent accidents in extra space.


- 💪 Hard plastic crates are most secure and durable for travel. Metal foldable crates work well at home.


- 🛏️ Add plush beds and toys so it’s cozy. Drape a blanket over the top to create a den-like space.


- 🏡 Purchase one crate for your home and one for your car to reduce disrupting their safe space.


While confinement sounds negative, dogs naturally seek sheltered sleeping spots when introduced properly!


## Crate Training Method for Dogs


Follow these positive training steps:


### 1. Introduce slowly


- 👉 Set up the open crate in a busy family area with a tasty chew toy inside.


- 👉 Toss treats around and inside the crate so your dog associates it with good things.


- 👉 Praise and reward any voluntary investigation or entry into the crate as you supervise.


### 2. Practice brief crating 


- 👉 Give a stuffed Kong inside the crate and shut the door briefly while staying close by.


- 👉 Open before your dog gets antsy. Slowly increase duration from seconds to minutes as success builds.


- 👉 Randomly reward calm, quiet crate behavior with praise and treats.


### 3. Leave pup sight unseen


- 👉 When your pup is comfortable with longer crating, leave the room for brief intervals so being alone becomes familiar.


- 👉 Use a security camera to monitor without disrupting progress.


### 4. Increase independence 


- 👉 Crate for short periods while you shower, clean, garden, run errands.


- 👉 Vary duration - don’t make absences too predictable.


Positive reinforcement and incremental successes are key! Rushing will backfire. Soon your dog will seek their crate for security when you’re home AND away.


## Should Cats Use Crates?


Many people believe crates are just for dogs, but cats benefit from crate training too! When introduced properly, crates help cats:


- 😽 Feel secure and avoid stress when confined for travel, boarding or vet visits


- 😿 Adjust more smoothly to major environment changes like moving homes


- 🚫 Prevent destructive scratching or eliminating outside the litter box


- 🏥 Recover calmly from injuries or illness


- 🛏️ Train to accept nail trims, brushing and exams through positive association


With the right approach, kitties learn crates are their own little den!


## Crate Training for Cats


Cats can be trickier to crate train than dogs. Here’s a positive process:


### 1. Pick the perfect crate


- 🐈 Soft sided collapsibles work best so cats feel less confined.


- 🏠 Get multiple crates - one for travel and vet visits, one for home.


- 🛏️ Add familiar bedding and toys so it smells like their safe space.


### 2. Introduce slowly


- 😽 Start by placing the open crate in a quiet room kitty frequents.


- 🍗 Feed your cat treats and meals at the crate opening so they associate it with good things.


- 😻 Once they eat without hesitation near the crate, place food just inside the opening while monitoring.


### 3. Work up to closing


- 👉 Place tempting food or toys inside the crate and shut your supervised cat in for very brief sessions, opening before they protest.


- 👍 Praise and reward calm behavior inside with petting and treats.


- 🕰 Gradually increase crating duration from seconds to minutes as they learn to accept it.


### 4. Make alone time positive


- 😿 Once your cat uses the crate willingly, leave the room briefly while crated so they learn to tolerate solitude.


- 🏆 Always reward time in the closed crate with praise, affection and tasty treats.


With extreme patience and positive associations, kitties learn crates are safe spaces too. Consistency is key - forced crating will backfire!


Crating improves training, travel and healthcare for both dogs and cats. Just be sure to make it a rewarding experience from day one using positive methods. With time, your furry friend will seek the comfort of their crate when life gets chaotic!

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