Natural Anti-Anxiety Remedies for High-Strung Pets


Natural Anti-Anxiety Remedies for High-Strung Pets


Do you have a stressed-out dog or cat at home? 😿 Anxiety in pets can lead to destructive behaviors, health issues, and lower quality of life. Luckily there are many natural calming remedies to try before resorting to medication.


In this article, we’ll explore natural anti-anxiety tips for high-strung dogs and cats. Let’s dive in!


## Anxiety in Dogs


Dogs experience anxiety for different reasons. Triggers can include:


- 💥 Loud noises like thunder, fireworks or construction


- 👋 Changes in routine, environment or family members


- ⛺️ Travel to new places


- 🐕 New dogs, people or experiences


- 🏠 Being alone during separations or isolation


- 🚑 Pain, illness or past trauma


- 🖍️ Boredom from lack of physical and mental exercise


Noticeable anxiety signs in dogs include:


- 🏃🏻‍♂ Restlessness, pacing, shaking, panting or vocalizing


- 🙈 Hiding, seeking security or wanting to escape


- 🟰 Accidents, destroyed items or self-harm from chewing or licking


- 😣 Aggression, reduced appetite and lethargy


If your dog frequently exhibits these behaviors, natural calming remedies can help!


## Natural Calming Tips for Anxious Dogs


Here are some vet-approved natural remedies to try for mildly anxious dogs:


- 🍵 Chamomile or lavender tea – Brew a weak herbal tea for hydration and soothing aromas.


- 🍯 Raw honey – Lickable treats containing natural calming compounds.


- 🥛 Nutritional supplements – Products with L-theanine, ginger, Omega-3’s or tryptophan boost serotonin.


- 🍒 Melatonin treats – Low dosages help induce sleep and reduce stress. Consult your vet first.


- 💧 Diffusers – Plug-ins with pheromones or essential oils like lavender provide ambient comfort.


- 🎧 Soothing music – Play calming frequencies and genres like reggae, soft rock or classical.


- 💆 Massage – Knead and apply compression wraps to relieve muscle tension.


- 🛀 Warm baths – Heat eases soreness from stress positions. 


- 🏋️‍♀ Exercise – Swimming, hiking and agility boost confidence and serotonin.


- 🧩 Puzzles – Dispense kibble through food toys to redirect destructive energy.


Remedies like these reduce anxiety's physical toll while you address underlying triggers with training.


## Anxiety in Cats


Cats also suffer anxiety, often showing:


- 😾 Aggression, irritability, biting or scratching


- 😿 Chronic hiding and anti-social behavior


- 🚽 Eliminating outside the litter box


- 🤢 Over-grooming, bald spots and skin damage


- 👎🏻 Refusing food, weight loss or diarrhea


- 😵💫 Pacing, restlessness and sleep disturbances


 Triggers include new environments, schedules, pets or people. Even small changes can upset their routine-driven worldview. Catch anxiety early and try calming strategies to relieve stress.


## Natural Remedies for Anxious Cats


Here are some vet-approved natural anti-anxiety remedies for cats:


- 😽 Pheromone diffusers and sprays mimic cat facial pheromones to reduce fear.


- 🍃 Catnip contains nepetalactone which produces euphoric effects for most cats. Purchase organic toys and treats.


- 🍵 Weak chamomile or lavender tea provides hydration and soothing scents when added to food or water.


- 🎵 Playing soft music blocks disruptive noises that cause anxiety.


- 🛏️ Allow cats to hide in cozy spots up high or in closets until they adjust.


- 🐟 Feed foods with added L-theanine like tuna, turkey, cod or sardines to boost serotonin.


- 💉 Ask your vet about homeopathic flower essence formulas, vitamins, or nutraceuticals.


- 😸 Use synthetic feline facial pheromone wipes or sprays on furnishings when cats seem stressed.


Natural remedies coupled with removing triggers can significantly ease anxiety and phobias. Always consult your veterinarian too, as medications may be needed for severe cases. With time and patience, high-strung pets can overcome anxiety for a happier life!

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